College Match


College Match

from $30.00

Sofia, please find me a College Match!

Are you tired of spending hours on Niche and Princeton Review researching colleges?

Are you stressed about the selective college application process? Want expert advice on your college list to give yourself a better chance of admission?

Want to validate the college choices you are already considering?

The college search process is overwhelming for any high school senior, especially when adding other factors like support services and financial aid.

With College Match, you fill out a short survey about your preferences such as size, location, and major, as well as any dealbreakers. Sofia will use her insider knowledge and contacts to create a list of 8 or 12 universities she feels would be an excellent fit for you.

After purchase, you will receive a link to a form in your email. You can expect your list within 7 business days of submitting the form!

College Match

Choose between:

  • 8 Colleges (3 Likelies, 3 Targets, 2 Reaches) - this option gives you basic information for eight colleges that fulfill most or all of your preferences. See example

  • 12 Colleges (4 Likelies, 4 Targets, 4 Reaches) - this option provides information and links to specific degree programs, organizations, and opportunities at twelve colleges that fulfill most or all of your preferences. See example

Number of Colleges:
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“This service saved me time and hassle that I can put back into school and work.”

“I liked how it incorporated schools I considered and new ones that I had never heard of.”

“I had already done a lot of my own research and I wanted to compare what I had been looking at to advice from a professional. This service definitely helped!”